We've got a first timer here.
I've wanted to start a blog for years, and today, I've decided it's time. So here we go!
First and foremost, I should tell you that my family is the most important thing in my life. They are my everything.
I've got a 7 month old son named Foster who just absolutely makes my heart melt. His sweet smile can make a bad day instantly become the best day.
He is learning something new all the time, and I can't believe how quickly time is flying. I feel like I have to hold on to every moment with him before it passes by.
He has changed me for the better.
Having a baby means you really can't be selfish. It's no longer my schedule, my timing, my needs first. Yes, you learn those things to a degree when you get married, but it's a whole different ballgame when it's your baby. This sweet baby came from heaven to me. I don't care if it sounds cheesy, it's the truth! It's my job as his mom to raise him. To teach him right from wrong. To help him make the right choices. To help him be a contributor to society, for the better. To help educate him. To encourage him, to make him feel better when he's sad, and most of all, to just simply love him. And let me tell you, that last one is the easiest part!
I love him more than words can say.
The other man in my life is my husband. Where to begin with him? To find someone that loves you unconditionally, that loves the parts of you that you don't really like much about yourself, that makes you want to be a better person, that makes you laugh so hard you're afraid you will pee your pants, and who won't laugh at you when you do! (that's never happened...) The person that you want to call first with the good news and with the bad. The person who always has your back, no matter what. Your best friend. I mean, it is seriously the best thing.
I think of Michael Buble's song:
I get to kiss you, baby, just because I can.
He is the best. I honestly never knew it could be like this, and I know in ten years I will say that I didn't know what love was in the beginning, and ten years after that, I will say the same thing. The great thing about our marriage is that I know it will just keep getting better and better.
And, of course, I happen to be extremely attracted to him.
All in all, he is the perfect person for me. And it's crazy that I found him, and I am so thankful.
And about the title of my blog...
As any newlywed couple knows, or any long-time married people remember, we are broke!! We are both in school, and Seth is on the path toward medical school ,so we are going to be in this phase of life for a good chunk of time. Our motto is: "Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without!" Our love for each other and for our son is what keeps us going, and we've never been happier. I know that one day we'll be able to look back on these days of pb&j sandwiches and Redbox date nights with fondness!
Love it!
ReplyDeleteThank you!
DeleteGreat job on starting the blog Brittany! I am excited to tune in and keep updated on your life, love it! :)
ReplyDeleteThank you, I'm going to try and be good about keeping it updated! And I love your blog as well, it's so good to hear how everyone is doing.